Our ecological footprint is the impact of our lifestyle choices or activities measured in terms of the land required to sustain our use of natural resources.
Unless populations decide to start acting now, climate change consequences will become more and more catastrophic. It is a real problem and has turned into a threat to the entire civilization as well as the generations to come.
However, it is undeniable that, as a community, we can still slow down climate change by doing small actions that have big repercussions on the environment. Today, overproduction and overconsumption are leading to enormous amounts of waste, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation. Studies suggest that a big percentage of carbon emissions actually originate from the household. So, everyone can start from their own home by:
- Using reusable bags, cloths, and other items instead of single-use plastic such as straws, cups, bags, bottles, and utensils because most plastic is non-compostable and non-biodegradable.
- Buying less or only what is needed. This helps increase budgets and does well for the planet by creating less waste and pollution.
- Turning off appliances when not using them to reduce consumption.
- Considering renewable energy as does not emit greenhouse gases into the air and has a much smaller carbon and ecological footprint than fossil fuel alternatives such as oil.
- Recycling responsibly as it helps conserve resources and reduces air and water pollution. It is also possible to reuse, repurpose and upcycle old items. This is a great way to save money and use fewer resources, water, and energy.
- Supporting local produce by buying food, clothes, and beauty products that are made locally and organically.
- Reducing water use
It is important for every person to understand the impact of one small act. Right now, more than ever, it is crucial to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that would protect life on Earth.
Goal 13 : Climate action. (2022, 15 mars). The Global Goals. Consulté le 23 septembre 2022, à l’adresse https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/13-climate-action/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsrWZBhC4ARIsAGGUJupQ2UIaN1i31q-wE4Ne6S4YWlCFrI82IzenHA_TIWz2nI-kb6uhuhAaAmSaEALw_wcB
Assoune, A. (2020, 9 novembre). 20 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Ecological Footprint. Panaprium. Consulté le 23 septembre 2022, à l’adresse https://www.panaprium.com/blogs/i/reduce-ecological-footprint
8 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint. (2020, 26 mars). I Love A Clean San Diego. Consulté le 23 septembre 2022, à l’adresse https://cleansd.org/2017/04/27/8-ways-to-reduce-your-ecological-footprint/
Author, G. (2021, 28 janvier). 11 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint. Get Green Now. Consulté le 23 septembre 2022, à l’adresse https://get-green-now.com/reduce-your-ecological-footprint/